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Return to Self

Deepening your sense of self and reviving a life that lights you up.


Return to Self 
A 10-week mentorship for creating a life of joy, ease, & authenticity.

Do you feel like you've lost a sense of joy in who you are?


Can you be hyper-critical of where you're at and have a list of things you "should" be doing?

Is "more confidence" something you wish you had?

Yes, Love, I've been there too! And I'm here to tell you you're exactly where you need to be. 

You aren't the same person you once were. Especially if you've had kids, been in a long-term relationship, or experienced major life changes that forced you to "grow up". You've become a very different you mentally, emotionally, physically, and biologically. But your mind gets stuck between who you were and who you are. You want to create healthy boundaries, prioritize self-care, and learn how to live by your own choices even if it upsets people. But you're not sure where to start or even whether you're entitled to any of those things. And while you want to welcome that change, life is so busy that you don't know how to reconnect, redefine, or rediscover yourself.


I'm here to tell you this moment in time is exactly where you need to be. You have so much power and infinite possibilities when you aren't sure who you are as an individual or where you're going. You get to choose how to put yourself together. You get to choose which pieces of the "old you" you want to keep and which parts of the "new you" you want to foster.


And you get to do all of this with the wisdom you've earned over the decades of gracing this Earth.

This deep desire to learn and create the person I want to be is what led me to develop:

Return to Self

A mentorship to guide women like you into rediscovering who you are and showing up daily with purpose, joy, and an unwavering sense of self.

We'll call this your Self-Love Era


An era where you:

You feel confident in exactly who you are and can live it authentically and unapologetically.

You trust in the choices you make and no longer worry about other people's opinions of them.

You give yourself permission to create boundaries and take the time you need to care for yourself.

If this is everything you've been needing, then you aren't on this page by accident. I believe in divine timing and it's time to return to who you are.


The Details

What you can expect during the mentorship

Weekly Meetings

Each week we meet, I'll guide you through one of the different pillars of the Self-TECC Framework. We'll use the 60-minute sessions to walk through who you were and who you want to be. We'll incorporate practices and reflections that start to shed the identities that are overshadowing your true you-ness and guide you into a deeper sense of self.

Actionable Support

Depending on your needs, you'll be supported with action plans, intentionally designed worksheets, journal prompts, affirmations, meditations, and/or other supportive resources. Each of these will be tailored to your unique needs and what works best for you.

1:1 Support

I'm here for every step of your inner journey. You'll get 1:1 access to me via Voxer (a messaging app) as you work through the parts of the program. I'm here as a guide and to hold space for the personal development of this high-level container. We'll celebrate together and maybe shed some tears along the way as you release the old and welcome the new.

Bonuses & Surprises

I'll include sweet surprises throughout our time together. Inner-work doesn't have to feel heavy. There is so much joy in creating the life you know you are meant for and we'll find and celebrate every ounce of it. This work is intended to help you feel lighter yet grounded simultaneously.

Week 1

The Check-In

This is when we get a baseline of where you're at and talk about your goals & what you envision for our time together.

Weeks 2 & 3


Week 2 - Covering the framework and developing your unique plan.

Week 3 - Implementation, Practice & Support. 

Weeks 4 & 5


Week 4 - Covering the framework and developing your unique plan.

Week 5 - Implementation, Practice & Support. 

Weeks 6 & 7


Week 6 - Covering the framework and developing your unique plan.

Week 7 - Implementation, Practice & Support. 

Weeks 8 & 9


Week 8 - Covering the framework and developing your unique plan.

Week 9 - Implementation, Practice & Support. 

Week 10

The Check-In

Celebrating your wins and reflecting on the progress we've made + implementing long-term practices and goals to create sustainable change.

What you'll gain in Return to Self

Unwavering Sense of Self

A deep, steadfast understanding of who you are - your values, strengths, and essence - that remains unshaken by external influences or circumstances. It allows you to move through life with resilience, integrity, and conviction, acting in alignment with your inner truth rather than conforming to others' expectations.

Healthier Boundaries & Relationships

This is a powerful act of self-love and personal growth. By setting clear and respectful boundaries, you reclaim your power to create the space you need to flourish as your highest, most authentic self. Healthy boundaries nurture positive relationships and inspire others through your commitment to living life on your own empowered terms.

Joy, Motivation
& Optimism

Returning to your sense of self-awareness with joy, motivation and optimism allows you to connect deeply with your authentic nature. From this grounded, self-aware state you'll enjoy a profound gratitude for who you are and the inherent gifts within you.

Your Self-Love Era begins here

It's time to fall back in love with every part of yourself.

Take the leap and wholeheartedly decide that you are worth it.

Three options for investing in yourself


Paid in Full


* Paid in full 




* Split 4 weeks apart


Payment Plan


* 6 Monthly Payments


The Self-TECC Framework

Self-love is an empowering force and the must-have catalyst for your personal growth. It's what drives your positive behavior while quelling your harmful tendencies. Self-love grants you the bravery to venture into new chapters of your life and the strength to establish boundaries that honor your well-being along the way.

To embrace self-love is to prioritize your needs, reduce stress, improve mental health, and unlock your beautiful potential.


But developing a deep sense of self-love doesn't come from relationships, influencers, or any outside source.


True self-love is defined by you, developed by you, and sustained by you.

So how do you find it? The Self-TECC framework guides you through the four cornerstones of authentic self-love. By discovering, owning, and practicing what Self-Trust, Self-Esteem, Self-Compassion, and Self-Care mean for you, you will develop an unshakable depth of self-love that fosters better relationships, and increases motivation, better decision-making, and resilience. And let's be honest, we can all  benefit from that!

Let's talk more about the Self-TECC Cornerstones for Self-Love:


The measure of true love

Just like any interpersonal relationship, your level of trust will determine your depth of love and vulnerability. How do you trust your decision-making? Your judge of character? Your intuition? Learning what Self-Trust feels like in your body and what it looks like in your life is essential for Self-Love.


How you see & present yourself

Confidence doesn't just influence how you dress or how you walk into a room, it also impacts the choices you make and your ability to follow through and stay motivated through challenging times. You cannot lean on Self-Love without Self-Esteem, because one is the foundation of the other.


Your ability to forgive but not forget

You will make mistakes. You will do the "wrong" thing. You'll probably even hurt someone along the way. And when you do, you cannot wait for forgiveness from others. Your level of personal growth depends on your depth of Self-Love. Self-Compassion makes it possible for you to forgive yourself, give yourself grace, and learn from the mistakes you will make in this life.


Nourishing your needs

If you love something, you care for it, you nurture it. But Self-Care is not a one-size-fits-all. It's complex and extremely personal. So what does it look like for you and how can it be done sustainably without depleting your time and resources? Uncovering this inner wisdom is essential to lovingly care for yourself.

Have we met?

My name is Sabrina Avellán. I'm a sought-after speaker and coach who empowers women to enter their Self-Love Era. I've developed multiple frameworks that transform your relationship with yourself and guide you to a deeper sense of self-knowing and unwavering self-love.

I found early career success as a Systems Strategist but struggled with burnout working in a capacity that fulfilled my needs, but not my passions. I've always had a message in me that needed to be shared, but it was shadowed by self-criticism, self-doubt, and a sense of feeling lost after having 2 kids and being married for almost 10 years.


After losing my father in 2022, I realized how precious time was. I decided to take a spiritual sabbatical from business to shed the "identities" I had acquired or pushed on myself in order to truly discover and align with who I knew I was.

Through extensive research, mindfulness practices, and daily self-care rituals, I transformed my relationship with myself and created an approach to life that honors who I truly am, what my gifts are, and my birthright to joy, ease, and self-love. In doing so, I can wholely show up for myself, my family, and my dreams.

I now teach these methods in my coaching containers, podcast, and speaking opportunities where I inspire others to boldly enter their Self-Love & Boundaries Eras.

Mentorship Interest Fom

Join today & boldly enter your Self-Love Era

Schedule a Quick Chat to Get Started

Let's hop on a quick 15-minute call to ensure we're a good fit. Once we both feel like it's a match made in self-love heaven, we'll schedule a start date!

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